Automation & Control
Automation and Control is becoming more commonplace in the Marine Industry.
Crestron sets the standard for excellence in automation.
Class & Style are the hallmarks of all Crestron products. Boats typically have an opulence to their design that borders on lavishness. Pairing these luxuries with a Crestron system makes perfect sense to get the most out of your technology. Crestron demands have been met with exacting engineering standards to deliver your technology with many styles and types of displays wired or wireless.

We are local to South Florida!

Crestron takes AV (Audio Visual) & Communications to the top tier.

AV may not always be thought of as a necessary component but Communications are an ancillary part of any maritime activity. Not just for communicating with the persons on your boat but imagine being able to conduct business. Whether at the dock or out on the open ocean Crestron delivers crisp sound and video. Imagine doing a video conference while deep sea fishing in an exotic locale. Crestron technology allows you to transport you or anyone on your vessel straight into the boardroom, PTA meeting, Doctor’s office or wherever you please.

Crestron Lighting has been in top demand in the Marine sector for some time.
The automation & control industry has many alternatives to Crestron. Their rivals don’t parallel when compared to the amount of amenities and resources they deliver. Lighting is notoriously overlooked but sets the tone and mood for your interior and exterior. Have you ever tripped on a dark step or bumped into a wall on a boat? Fiberglass is not to forgiving and the most common injury on boats are broken bones from slip and falls.
You can have pre-set schedules to automatically lighten certain areas and dim them as needed. Lights are not only great for safety and security but setting the mood for proper occasions. A dimly lit dinner table is always romantic but imagine lowering the shades and retreating to the salon for some private time. This can all be done with the touch of a button or even pre-scheduled.
Climate zones can be combined with your lighting to also control the atmosphere in different zones of your vessel.
You can also pair the lighting with your home theater equipment for a one touch atmosphere change. Setting the mood has never been made easier. Cell, Tablet or Crestron controller you are in control of every aspect of your ship. Remember Crestron has actually started showing up more and more on center console boats over the past few years. Controlling audio, video and lights is how the center console boats mainly harness this technology but it has other applications as well. Give MEI a call to find out more.