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There are many advantages to having security cameras on your boat as well as at the dock where your boat is docked. The first advantage to having a security camera system installed of course is theft prevention. When someone sees that an outdoor security camera is keeping an eye on your boat, they will think twice before trying to rob your vessel, steal your belongings or vandalize your precious cargo. Just that alone will deter a criminal most of the time and he will go onto another boat.
But, if the vandal was to go through with the intended crime, he will be caught on camera. These days, security camera technology is increasing in resolution, so with a high resolution IP security camera, you will be able to capture a lot of detail. Most importantly, if the vandal has any distinguishing features such as tattoo or facial scars, a 3MP Bullet Security Camera could mean the difference between an arrest based on a positive identification versus not being able to see any detail.
An IP Network Security Camera is very easy to install on a pole and you can have the camera either record to an NVR or to an SD card. The best part about an IP Network Camera keeping an eye on your boat is that you can view your camera remotely on any Smart Device or Home Computer. Also, if any motion is detected near your boat, you will receive an alert right to your phone or email. The Dock Authority will just be one phone call away to catch the vandal in the act. Try doing that without a security camera. If someone was trying to steal your yacht, and you had no camera keeping an eye on it, you would be in deep water (no pun intended).
On board, it’s also a good idea to have a security camera installed in your engine room. There are times when your shipmate might accidentally lock themselves in the engine room and wouldn’t be able to get out. This has happened. No one will be able to hear your screams over the loud engines. But, with a security camera installed, the captain can keep an eye out on a monitor next to him. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on the engine room in case the engines overheat due to an electrical glitch.
Boat Security Cameras are also useful on larger vessels such as Yachts, Barges, and Cruise Liners. Keeping a watchful eye over your passengers will keep them out of harm’s way. Also, you never know what your crew may be up to, so if they knew the captain was watching them on a monitor, they will pay attention to their duties.
We at MEI (MEI) are experts at security camera installation for you vessel, no matter the size. We will custom install, set up your apps and make sure your needs are taken care of. Keeping an eye on your precious cargo as well as your vessel is important. Call for a free estimate today.